Just the beginning | ישראל היום

Just the beginning

The first big lesson we learn from the launch of the operation to deport South Sudanese infiltrators is that the moment we are decisive, we are effective. We are already seeing more infiltrators showing willingness to leave voluntarily.

However, what we saw on Monday was only the beginning: This is only the first phase of the operation, and it involves only a small percentage of the infiltrators from Africa. As of now, only infiltrators from South Sudan and the Ivory Coast can be legally deported and at least 800 petitions have been filed with the High Court of Justice against me only on behalf of citizens of the Ivory Coast.

That is why the different government ministries need to join forces: the Justice Ministry, which I have already approached for official legal policy, along with the Foreign Ministry and the Defense Ministry. Inter-ministry cooperation, along with the construction of a separation wall, the construction of more detention facilities and tent cities to house the detainees, and serious enforcement — all this will save the identity of the Jewish state.

The next phase will be to deport infiltrators from Eritrea and Sudan, who number nearly 50,000. At this stage I am not yet authorized to deport them to their home countries. Some people are saying that they cannot be legally deported, but this is an important mission. I will not accept no for an answer. A "no" would mean the end of our Declaration of Independence, the end of the Zionist dream. There are some 300 million people in our region, and if only a quarter of them come here, we will be in trouble. That is why there is no such thing as "impossible." We have to deport all of them.

As far back as three years ago, I warned that tens of thousands were going to come. I was laughed at, but it happened. Now it looks like hundreds of thousands are on their way, and we must do everything within our power to prevent that. It is supremely important not to get impassioned — just carry out this mission and protect our home. This is not a surgical mission. It is a long-term operation that will continue until infiltrators understand that there is no reason to come here.

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