The High Court of Justice's unfortunate ruling on Tuesday marked a disaster for the neighborhoods of south Tel Aviv. For the third time, the court intervened in a decision made by members of the cabinet and the Knesset, who were elected by the public. The ruling neuters the content of the Anti-Infiltration Law. In effect, it negates the effectiveness of voluntary departure and legitimizes illegal migrants remaining in south Tel Aviv. The ruling represents a grave injustice to south Tel Aviv residents. It is tantamount to a death sentence, as it will officially turn south Tel Aviv into a detention facility for illegal migrants. Israel is facing a challenge. Without legal deterrence, the fence built along the border with Egypt will prove to be an ineffective barrier to infiltration. The court ruling authorizes the state's abandonment of south Tel Aviv. Furthermore, the entire social system, including education, welfare, housing, environmental quality, and, most importantly, the personal safety of residents, has collapsed. The illegal migrant problem has demographic, economic and security components. The day will come when the whole country will suffer the consequences of it. We are heading toward a national catastrophe. In the coming weeks, more than 1,000 illegal migrants are going to be discharged from the Holot detention facility They will, undoubtedly, come to south Tel Aviv. There are some who say that south Tel Aviv has always been disadvantaged as it is, and the poor conditions in the area existed long before the arrival of the illegal migrants. This is a ridiculous assertion. The addition of 50,000 illegal migrants to a limited area caused a population explosion and the collapse of the social system. Another major issue, currently being overlooked, is the rapid natural increase rate of illegal migrant families. They understand how to use this to establish a foothold in the country. It gives illegal migrants a protective shield. Illegal migrants have caused the crime rates to skyrocket. There has been a 500% increase in crime in south Tel Aviv. For illegal migrants, south Tel Aviv has become their home -- their community, work and churches are all there. When the High Court speaks of human dignity, it forgets that it has trampled on the dignity of south Tel Aviv residents and abandoned them. Shlomo Maslawi is a member of the Tel Aviv City Council.