Public officials, intellectuals and a large number of artists from the Left tend to explain there is no military solution to the war against Hamas and that we must find a "diplomatic solution" -- in other words, establish a Palestinian state. Such, for example, was the author David Grossman's message at the protest rally in Tel Aviv on Saturday night, yet he did not provide an explanation or basis for why it would work, and even though such an idea does not pass the test of logic or experience. The past teaches us that all terrorist movements were defeated by force, without a "diplomatic horizon." The claims made by Grossman and his friends that there must be a Palestinian state for there to be peace -- also need to be re-examined. Does anyone really think that creating another criminal Arab state, which like the majority of Arab states will oppress and exploit its people and incite them toward war with Israel, will lead to anything but war, that it will not bring disaster on the Palestinians first and foremost and cost Israel a heavy price in lives, like we are seeing happen in Gaza- Terrorist groups have been subdued by force, without diplomacy, since the 11th century, when the Mongolians eradicated the "Hasheshites," a heretical Muslim sect of Shiites more commonly known in the West as "the Assassins." The English forcefully suppressed the terrorism in India and in Ireland, and the Arab uprising in British-mandate Palestine in 1939. The communist revolts in Greece and Malaysia after the Second World War were defeated with force; the Muslim Brotherhood was destroyed by Hafez Assad in Syria; Fatah was routed out of Jordan by King Hussein. The Red Brigades in Italy, the Baader-Meinhof Gang in Germany, the Japanese Red Army, the Shining Path in Peru, Black September, the Basque underground, the FARC guerillas in Columbia and the Kenyan Mau Maus were all defeated by force. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was crushed by Hosni Mubarak and then by Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi. The majority of terrorist groups were subdued by assassinating their leaders while avoiding significant civilian casualties. This was done with a firm hand, not by killing one or two replaceable leaders every month, but rather by eradicating most of the leadership in one or two blows. Then we would not need a "diplomatic horizon," which is just another way of saying a Palestinian terror state. Removing the leadership makes victory possible without the need for bombing the civilian areas from where terrorism operates, and which entails considerable and unavoidable collateral damage to civilians, women and children, which is that is difficult to justify and detrimental to Israel. When draining a swamp, there is no need to kill the mosquitoes. The Israel Defense Forces, a cumbersome, bureaucratic body, is apparently unable to contend with asymmetrical warfare, which requires sophisticated rather than brute force; but perhaps it is abstaining from effective warfare against terror because it believes the Left's mantra that "terror cannot be defeated through military means." As people of morality, the representatives of the Left must ask themselves if the conceptions they have developed have forced the IDF to use excessive force in Gaza and have therefore exacted a horrible price from Israelis and Arabs alike. They must ask whether their obsession with forming yet another criminal Arab state -- which as an "Authority" is already abusing the rights of its miserable and disenfranchised people and will continue to do so with even greater abandon once it becomes a state -- coincides with their pretension of protecting human rights. They must also ask themselves why they are willing to sacrifice human rights to grant the Palestinians what they call "self-determination," which mostly means rabid expression of extreme nationalism, which they fight against with all their might when such views are expressed by Jews. Should they not demand of Arabs to abide the same moral standards that they demand of Israelis? Can foregoing this demand not be considered a form of racism even- And finally, do your obsessive efforts to create a Palestinian state -- despite the likelihood of it falling into the hands of Hamas, which will wage bloody war -- not teach us that your political ideology is more important to you than human lives-