I want to share with you the joy and massive relief that the citizens of France feel after so many years of difficult negotiations, after the ups and downs and disappointed hopes preceding the announcement of Gilad Shalit's imminent release. Gilad is the grandson of a Marseilles resident who put down roots in Haifa, a product of French aliyah and an Israeli citizen. He is also, as we never forgot, a French citizen. Last Tuesday, the thoughts of every French citizen were with Gilad, whose suffering is finally about to end. Abducted at the age of 19 and held hostage for over five years, cut off from his loved ones and the world, Gilad will never be the same person he was. The French also thought about Noam and Aviva, so noble and determined in the struggle to bring their son home. I have known Noam and Aviva since 2006. They never for a moment stopped their activism to keep the world from forgetting Gilad. They are a paragon and role model for parents the world over. France salutes the brave decision of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government. This was not an easy decision, because it poses risks and because the suffering of many bereaved families is still very fresh. Israel's willingness to do everything in its power to save one of its sons, who served his country, redounds to the country's credit. Under the leadership of President Nicolas Sarkozy, France too never ceased to do its utmost to secure the release of one of its citizens. We lent all possible support to a series of mediation efforts and to Israel's actions. Each time Noam visited France, he was invited to meetings at the Palais de l'Élys e, at the foreign ministry, in parliament and in the many French cities that displayed pictures of Gilad in public places. On Tuesday, President Sarkozy called Noam and conveyed his delight that Gilad will soon return home. He also spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu to convey his well wishes. Currently, we are hoping that the signed agreement will serve as a catalyst for greater trust and a renewal of dialogue that will lead to a sustainable peace. Israel can count on Europe, as well as on a partner like Egypt, which fulfilled a crucial role in these negotiations. This agreement shows that nothing is impossible, that it is possible to build bridges in the unlikeliest of circumstances. So that there will never be another Gilad Shalit.
Hats off to Israel
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