Since we have been confused by the number of inciters against the religious public, I present here a small lexicon of terms used by "enlightened people" when they batter religious people who are in need of their "mercy and healing." "My Judaism is the Judaism of 'You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself'" -- Useful whenever political freeloaders attempt to belittle religious people while emphasizing that they themselves are knowledgeable in Torah as well. The fact that this is the most difficult commandment to implement in Judaism does not deter them from inflaming the public. How many of us can actually love someone else as much as we love ourselves? If you love the ultra-Orthodox as much as you love yourself, why do you take aim at them every two months? That's how you love yourselves? Don't share this imaginary "love" with us. Another 612 commandments are waiting to be implemented, and you can start with "You shall distance yourself from a falsehood." Fulfilment of the rest of the commandments will flow from that. "We are fighting against the discrimination of women" -- For some reason, someone decided that my wife and sister and their friends are depressed women who need to be saved from the dark religious world. I almost agreed to give my wife the keys to the handcuffs so she could free herself, but I was suddenly overcome by a delusional vision -- in the free world, women earn 66 percent less than men earn, women are smuggled into Israel from Egypt in the trunks of vehicles due to the big demand for them, orgies take place with girls who are only 12 years old, young girls appear on billboards wearing only panties and bras because being naked is in style these days, one can find on the Internet thousands of clips of girls who lost their virginity to the coolest kid in school, who didn't forget to film the event and post it online, 79% of female singles have experienced sexual harassment at their place of work, and to purchase a saw or a jeep I am forced to see the picture of a thin naked girl on a poster. It's true that no society is completely innocent of discrimination and we all have a lot to improve, but if this is called "freedom," I prefer to guard the keys to my daughter. "This is like spitting on us all" -- A knockout slogan for the 2013 elections, thanks to Toldot Aharon (the extreme ultra-Orthodox sect). Each week at the sports park, thousands pay to spit, curse, burn chairs and throw stones during a live broadcast on TV and radio. It's called "sports culture." Each week in Naalin, a West Bank Palestinian town near Ramallah, Israeli soldiers have the honor of being pelted with stones manufactured in Israel. Schools have become war zones. In the summer, someone made an obscene gesture to the prime minister on camera and Brig. Gen. (res.) MK Miri Regev (Likud) almost lost an eye at the end of her visit to the social justice protest tents on Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv. Why wasn't a football fan arrested when he cursed the referee's mother? There was no protest of 4,000 people at Bloomfield Stadium when that happened, and we did not hear people making the generalization that all secular people live in extreme violence. Both groups are fools. But apparently you need to belong to the fools who are in the right. "But they don't serve in the IDF" -- Right, most of them don't serve in the IDF, but they are only a small percentage as opposed to Israeli Arabs -- who are immune to such criticism - and secular draft-dodgers as well. The difference is that they are not allowed to work according to the law, and you are permitted to. They are not permitted to take a flight outside the country, while you are allowed to do so. They live off a minimal monthly stipend, while you are permitted to earn as much as you can. They are parents by the time they reach 21 years of age, while you are still having fun driving mom's car. But the main point is that they have a 3,500-year-old ideological excuse that you don't have. Torah study is what makes us unique in the world. Of course there must be a balance, of course the current situation is intolerable, but at least they purport to continue the traditions of your grandfather. You, on the other hand, dodge the draft simply because it's easier for you to do so. For no better reason. It is amusing to know that at every conference in which religious people are lambasted and accused of dodging the draft, many people who entertain for a living get up on the stage to perform, even though they did not serve in the IDF either. Still, they are considered cultural heros. In your eyes they are good people, and you always applaud their performances. The writer is a social activist and MA student.
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A short lexicon for ultra-Orthodox bashers
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