Israel need not feel alone. Israel's European and American partners are more determined than ever to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. If Iran acquires the ability to develop nuclear weapons, it would constitute a threat to the entire Middle East, to Europe and to international security. At this very moment, the countries that have signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty are gathering in Geneva, Switzerland. The foremost issue on their agenda is the Iranian nuclear program. Iran is adamant in its refusal to answer questions from the International Atomic Energy Agency. It continues to produce enriched uranium, under false pretences, and continues to construct the nuclear reactor in Arak. If Iran acquired the ability to quickly develop nuclear weapons, the entire non-proliferation regime would be gravely threatened. So why, if Iran's clandestine nuclear program was exposed over ten years ago, does Iran still not possess nuclear weapons? Because the group of E3+3 nations, composed of the U.S., Europeans and their Russian and Chinese counterparts, has done everything in its power to halt this program. We have outlawed the export of equipment and materials required by Iran: uranium, special types of steel, as well as nuclear and ballistic technologies and components. We have intercepted illegal shipments. We have isolated Iran. We have sanctioned Iran's nuclear program through the U.N. Security Council. Together with the United States, Europe has hindered Iran's oil exports and imposed very heavy economic sanctions on the country. And why is there still a chance of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons without the need for military action, which would entail the negative repercussions of a regional conflict? Because the group of six powers continues to seek a diplomatic way out of the crisis. Day after day we employ all means, unfailingly and with determination, so that the combined effect of pressure and dialogue will lead Iran to make a strategic decision, which only sovereign Iran can take, to abandon once and for all its nuclear military ambitions. Let's be perfectly clear: France and its European partners are not happy with the current situation. We do not accept Iran's ongoing expansion of its nuclear program. We will not come to terms diplomatically with the illegal nuclear activity that Iran is trying to impose on the world through a policy of establishing a fait accompli. We also know that the window of opportunity for averting a crisis is limited, as was said by foreign ministers of the G8 countries who met in London on April 11. Thus, a month since the failure of talks held by the U.S., Europe, Russia and China with Iran in Almaty, Kazakhstan, should we conclude that the path we are following is the wrong one? Certainly not. As French President Francois Hollande said during his meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres in Paris on March 7, if Iran continues to reject the proposal of the Security Council and Germany, it will be necessary to make the sanctions even more severe. In the coming months, ever greater pressure must be applied to Iran by the U.S., the European Union, and if possible even by Asia and the U.N. Cristophe Bigot is the French ambassador to Israel.
Europe is determined to stop Iran
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