Some 1,000 Israelis, among them Nobel laureates and recipients of the Israel Prize, senior politicians, retired generals, authors, media figures, legal scholars and physicians, recently called on the British parliament to support the establishment of a Palestinian state. One could easily be fooled into thinking that this was just a noble attempt at helping those who were politically oppressed. But if you take a closer look and try to discern what the real implication of this move is, you would see that it essentially endorses the creation of another criminal Arab state that would be imposed on the Palestinians. Some believe the creation of a Palestinian state would help the Palestinians obtain their human rights. But only someone with a twisted sense of morality, with an Orwellian and cynical double speak, can cast such a blatantly wrong approach as an act of justice. And it is the Arabs -- including women, and children -- who are going to have to pay the price for such a move. History has cast our neighbors, the Arabs of Mandatory Palestine -- which was designated for the creation of a Jewish national home in a deal that would have given the Arabs most of the land captured from the Ottoman Empire in World War I -- as a miserable and impoverished people who live under a criminal authority (that is, the Palestinian Authority). Like most Arabs, they are the victims of a pathology that has plagued Islamic societies, where religious authoritarianism, slavery and poverty are rampant. This may have to do with the familial structure in such societies, where a despotic patriarch reigns supreme. Women, children and the weak lack any human rights in such societies. Fate had it that we would be neighbors. As human beings, we are not allowed to ignore their plight ("No man is an island entire of itself," wrote the poet John Donne). We can't ignore their tragedy because they it has served as a pretext for fighting a war against Israel aimed at annihilating the Jewish state. We must do our utmost to help them unshackle themselves from the despotism and exploitation of their rulers from past and present -- from the Ottoman era, the British, to the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, and finally, from his successor, PA President Mahmoud Abbas. We must help them prosper and guide them as they build a humane society. The "champions" of human rights have zero interest in humans. They have done nothing to tackle Israel's monopolies -- a creation of Israel's socialistic underpinnings that has steamrolled Israelis. They have not lifted a finger when it comes to reforming Israel's centralized economy and the excessive concentration of wealth. This top-down socialism has corrupted Israel and impoverished its residents. They are singularly focused on the politics of "others." They want to give the Palestinians a state that would do nothing to improve their lives. In fact it would only be a turn for the worse. Turning the Palestinian Authority -- a gang-infested mafia-like enterprise that has been oppressing its people -- into a state will only make the Palestinians' lives more miserable through a debilitating religious war. We already tried this approach when we signed the Oslo Accords, a brutal act that we imposed on Palestinians using Arafat's terrorist bullies under the cynical pretext that they would do our bidding against Hamas (which we have so cleverly helped create in the 1980s). As then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin said at the time, Arafat would be able to crack down on Hamas without having to worry about the High Court of Justice or human rights organizations such as B'Tselem. Only someone whose morals are deeply flawed could support the establishment of a criminal state without taking into account the catastrophic consequences of such a heinous crime. Everyone knows that given the opportunity, Hamas would take over Judea and Samaria in a matter of weeks. This would be a redux of the 2007 Gaza takeover. It would then start launching rockets on Israel's large population centers. The Israeli government would not be able to ignore such a development the way it sat idly by when Sderot and the Negev were bombarded for years on end. Israel would then have to reoccupy Judea and Samaria (the word "occupation" is one big propaganda gimmick, unless of course, you are referring to the occupation perpetrated by Arafat and his murderous thugs). This will be a bloody confrontation in densely populated areas. Tens of thousands of people would die on both sides. Most of the Arabs would probably flee to Jordan, overthrow the king and establish another Gaza Strip to Israel's east. This is what will happen if the "peace camp" succeeds in creating a Palestinian state: oppression, blood, fire and billows of smoke. It will have achieved war, which will only make peace slip further away.
Peace camp has it all wrong
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