In the wake of the horrific events in France, some people have subscribed to the following narrative: Islamic zealots perpetrated two violent massacres. First they killed 12 people at the offices of Charlie Hebdo because the publication had disparaged the Prophet Muhammad. Then their accomplice killed four Jews at a kosher supermarket simply because they were Jewish. But in order to see the big picture, we must drill down further. Europe's Islamization is in full swing. There are already 20 million Muslims in Europe. In some cities Muslims comprise 15 percent of the population or even more. Let's look at some of the characteristics of the Muslim population in Europe. The Muslim population in Europe is relatively observant. We have all seen the footage showing streets packed with worshippers who have descended on a neighborhood mosque for prayer. This sight is particularly noticeable on Fridays at noon. The sermons they hear often carry inciting rhetoric directed at supposed anti-Islamic forces. The clerics use their position as a means to bolster the worshippers' religiosity. The number of mosques in Europe where public prayers are held five times a day is growing steadily. These mosques also provide religious schooling that is subject to zero regulation. Occasionally the imams there preach against the "Crusaders," meaning the Christians and Europe. The Europeans, in their naivete, keep holding faith to their democratic principles lest they disrupt the Muslims' lives. In some cities, law enforcement does not dare to set foot in predominantly Muslim areas. In some Islamic traditions, the Quran contains all the wisdom that ever existed. The way some Muslim see it, the act of memorizing Quranic verses and reciting them provides for a comprehensive education; all other fields of study are redundant. Another commonality among European-Muslim communities involves occupational aspects. A vast number of European Muslims are low-wage earners who work in manual labor. Some wait tables, construct buildings and repair cars. Some have become carpenters or work in similar professions. European countries are happy with this arrangement because the non-immigrant population is unwilling to take these jobs. Finally, the European Muslim communities have a high birth rate, which lies in stark contrast to the rate among non-immigrant communities. In fact, if you factor out the Muslim population, European birth rate is very close to negative territory. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi is considered to be the spiritual leader of virtually all Egyptian Muslims, and his rulings are considered authoritative by practically every Sunni fundamentalist in the Middle East. In one of his sermons, he predicted that Europe will soon be conquered by Muslims, but they won't have to wield guns to do so. He was all too aware of the high birthrate in Muslim communities when he said that. In his book "The Clash of the Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order," Samuel Huntington predicted a cold war between non-Muslims and Muslims in Europe. But to fully understand his analysis one has to be cognizant of the two civilizations and their distinct features. European civilization can be called Western or Christian. Its democratic underpinnings are based on the famous motto "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite," chanted by the masses during the French Revolution. This civilization cherishes the idea that every individual is entitled to lead a life of his or her choice, so long as this does not infringe on the rights of others. Other tenets include the separation of powers, free speech, free elections, and democracy. The Muslim world, which includes about 50 nations, is defined by authoritarian regimes. Not a single Muslim country qualifies as a democracy. Because Muslim nations are also very poor and underdeveloped, they often see Islam as the solution to their socio-economic woes, hoping traditional values and a strict interpretation of the Quran will help them progress. The fact is that Islam and the rest of the world have been in a state of war since the time of Muhammad. "It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion," says the Quran (Surat al Tawbah, 9:33). Despite the fact the Quran calls for a war against infidels, the Europeans are unwilling to put up a fight, be it because of some vested interest or because they have remained naively faithful to every democratic principle. Perhaps there are electoral considerations at play as well, because Muslim voters can decide elections in some races. Professor Nissim Dana is the director of the Multidisciplinary Studies and Humanities Department at Ariel University.
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